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Can Take Many Forms

Domestic Abuse Victim looking out the window.

What is Domestic Abuse?

Has your partner or someone else in your life made you feel humiliated, threatened, or scared? Are you always ‘walking on eggshells’ around them and thinking of ways to avoid a fight? If this sounds like your situation, help is here. It is not your fault and you are not alone. Our Advocates are ready to listen and believe you.

Domestic abuse takes many forms, from physical violence to emotional abuse to financial control. No two situations are the same.

Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services is here to help victims, adults and children, navigate the road to a violence-free life. The complexities of domestic abuse are important for victims to understand in order for them to make the best decisions for themselves and their children.

It is also vital for friends, family, and community members of all ages to become better educated on the issue, to recognize the signs and provide appropriate support for victims, and to help in the prevention of abuse.

Types of Abuse

Abuse is a systematic pattern of behaviors in a relationship that is used by one person to gain and or maintain power and control over another person. Our Advocates use the information below to help survivors recognize and understand abuse. If you have experienced any of the below abuse tactics, we are here to support you.

Emotional/Verbal Abuse

Hurting a person’s feelings by making cruel, unfair comments or name-calling, insults, put-downs, threats, etc.

Psychological Abuse

Threats of harm to self or others (including children, loved ones, pets), minimizing or denying the occurrence of an abusive incident or calling you “crazy”.

Financial Abuse

Preventing a person from having control over finances; not allowing them to access money, work, or education.

Technological Abuse

Using or threatening to use the internet, computer, cell phones, email, chat rooms, etc. to monitor or track another person.

Spiritual/Cultural Abuse

Using spirituality, belief systems, religion, ethnicity, race, background, practices, morals, or values against another to create a difference in power.

Physical Abuse

Any forceful or violent physical behavior that exerts power and control over a person’s physical body.


Suffocating, choking, impeding ability to breathe, or otherwise restricting airflow; loss of consciousness.

Sexual Abuse

Any non-consenting sexual act or behavior. Tactics may include physical contact, verbal exchanges, improper usage of technology, and pornography.

Respect & Equality

You deserve to be treated like what the Respect & Equality Wheel show below. It is possible to heal from abuse and have healthy, respectful relationships.


Listening without judgement. Being emotionally affirming, understanding and valuing opinions.

Trust & Support

Supports their goals in life. Respecting their own feelings, friends, activities and opinions.

Honesty & Accountability

Accepting responsibility for self. Acknowledging past use of violence. Communicating openly and truthfully. 

Responsible Parenting

Sharing parental responsibilities. Being a positive non-violent role model for the children(s). 

Economic Partnership

Making money decisions together. Making sure both benefit from financial arrangement. Being financially respectful.

Shared responsibility

Mutually agreeing on a fair distribution of work. Making family/life decisions together.

Negotiation & Fairness

Seeking mutually satisfying resolutions to conflict. Accepting change. Being willing to compromise.

Non-threatening Behavior

Talking and acting so they feel safe and comfortable. Openly expressing themselves.

Support the Cause!

Just like any home, we have constant basic needs such as cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, and coffee. We gratefully accept donations of these items and more. Please call ahead to arrange a time to drop off donations – 920-235-5998.